Being creative in the advertising world has it’s ups and downs. Sure, we get paid to use our brain candy to make great things for big brands — things that everyone sees. But the unfortunate thing is that it can be draining to come up with great ideas only to have clients strike them down or change them. Hence the cliched “frustrated creative.”

So, to gain some creative balance in my life — as a lifelong creative person — I decided to make an album. And it’s pretty damn personal. After years of trying to sell in my own ideas to clients it’s what I needed to re-calibrate my brain for our business; I needed to create something with complete subjectivity so that I could approach the work in my career with objectivity. This is something I have been striving toward for years. That said, here are some jam off my fresh album, which will be sent out to the masses on February 14.

Some in advertising have asked me if I’ve changed careers. As a creative person, I don’t see it that way at all. I believe that all forms of creativity help enhance each other. So no, I haven’t changed careers, I’ve just adopted a new one.